Monday, July 6, 2015

Sunsets and Frogs

One thing I appreciate living down here, specifically at this place, is the sunsets that we have been treated to most evenings.  We've had our share of storms and rainy weather almost everyday, but most evenings it breaks up in time to give us a beautiful sky of reds, blues, oranges and grays.

For the last 8 or so years we lived in the "Vienna Woods" area of Vienna, and while it was no Black Forest, we were surrounded by a lot of tall oaks, poplars and maples.  Sunsets were heavily filtered through the trees.  Down here, we have open cotton fields to the front and back of us.  If we think of it, Neta and I step out onto the front porch, relax on one of our old gliders and watch the sun set and see the sky turn colors.  Here's a sampling of what we get to see.

Another by-product of the storms are the tree frogs that we get.  Usually each night when Robert takes the dog for a walk, the door and side of the house has several hanging around.  The other day Robert found this one, on our step ladder that is leaning on the side of the house.

 He spent several days there.  Today he moved and was no longer there, but we think we may know where he went.

Neta and I took a drive into Statesboro today to pick up some things from the grocery store.  I just wanted to get out of the house for a bit.  After relaxing this weekend, not going anywhere and then spending all day working from home today, I was ready to see something besides the inside of the house and this yard.

We'd just turned onto Highway 67 and were talking about the day.  We hadn't gone more than a mile when out of the blue, Neta began screaming.  As the driver of the car, needless to say, I found this very jarring.  I immediately thought she'd been stung or bitten by something.  At the very least it seemed to be an aggressive attack.

By the time my heartbeat returned to normal and I'd steered the car back from the ditch on the other side of the road, I managed to see what she was screaming about.  She had quickly turned away from the passenger's side window, but after a few seconds realized what it was and began to return to sanity.  While neither of us got a picture, it looked something like the frog to the right.  The poor little fella must have climbed up the door as we were going down the road and made his way to the window.  I think he was signaling her to let him in as the 55 mph winds were not kind.

Before I could do the humane thing and slow down and pull over, the wind took him and he was gone.  I am sure that the frog took years off of our lives.  Though, in all fairness, it wasn't the frog but Neta's shrieks that did the damage to me.

Now Neta isn't normally afraid of frogs, but to hear her tell this tale, the frog looked more like this:

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