Sunday, September 6, 2015

We're Gonna Need A Montage...

This post is just a collection of pictures that have caught my eye, either at our (temporary) farm or nearby.  It might not be a real montage without music, but this isn't MySpace so you'll have to provide your own tune.  

There is just something about an old gate - this is my favorite view here.
As if the gate wasn't pretty enough, this flowering vine grows all along the fence.
That's morning glory growing on the fence too, but I haven't seen any blooms yet.
 We've harvested all these pears now.  I'll post about all the goodies I made soon.

Craig swears I only picked the pears so I could get this picture...but that was just a bonus.
Sammie was fascinated by the pears, and quite unhappy when I wouldn't let her
eat one.  I had to take it away when I realized she was actually eating it.

An old (tobacco?) barn that Craig and I came across while out gallivanting about the countryside.  

I love junk stores and thrift shops, but this was a huge letdown.
So much promise on the outside, so blah on the inside.

It seems unlikely that it got stuck up there naturally (about 8' up), but
equally unlikely that someone braved the weed-choked ditch to put it there.  

Soon to be a t-shirt...the first cotton bolls have started popping open.

Wildflowers growing along the roadside.

Morning glory growing wild.

More wildflowers

These are growing all over the backyard - so pretty.

Scuppernongs right before I picked them.  More goodies!

Temporary roommates: the skink and the toad. 

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