Monday, December 7, 2015

Random Photos from a Daily Walk

Everyday Neta and I take at least one walk around the yard.  It gets us out of the house away from our desks and into the fresh air for a few minutes.  Along with walking Sammie, it allows us to just take a look around, notice things we might have missed recently and enjoy the weather.  Recently that weather has not disappointed with temps in the high 60's and low 70's and mostly sunny skies.  We are always on the lookout for birds, animals, flowers or anything else that might catch our eye.

Today we were only a minute or two into our walk when I noticed 3 jets flying very high and staggered like stair steps.  I ran back inside, grabbed my camera and snapped this picture:

3 jets, heading west over the trees
I figured that if anything else caught my eye, I'd snap a picture or two.  For some reason, this lone pecan at the end of a branch appealed to me:

The Lone Pecan
As we got down to the end of the backyard, the barn across the field that I've looked at dozens of times looked different to me.  I might have been the foreground of scraggly cotton plants left over after picking and the way the pecan trees next to it provided some additional "character".  I'm not sure, but it just looked like something I wanted to take a picture of.

Looks like something from
a bygone era
Getting fancy with the
B&W filter to make it look even older
A little further along I thought I'd take a picture of the silos that are next to our yard.  I'd love to get a few of these for our farm, if for no other reason than I think they'd add vintage character.

Imagine an old vintage sign painted on the side...
A few photos of the many camellias that grow around our rental house.  Several of them are producing a lot of blooms right now and a few blooms looked so perfect or close to it that I had to take their picture.

Who cares about a few small blemishes?.

Three in a row

This one was hiding deep inside the tree

A pale pink bloom

I was really amazed at the layers and lines of the petals
And just for fun here are a few other camellia photos from a week or so ago.

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