Tuesday, March 22, 2016

And So It Begins... (Day 1)

It actually began on Monday, after work.  Neta, Robert and I went over to the farm to help Terrell pack up the last of the things in the house. He'd already started moving in earlier in the morning.  We grabbed some remaining furniture and other items and put them in the POD, we put some other items in the barn and anything that Terrell had left he brought with him.  He's all moved in and enjoying the comforts of home.   Truth be told, I'm sure he's looking forward to getting Neta's cooking on a regular basis.

Today was the start of demolition.  Please enjoy one last look at the original house.
Originally established - 1892
Tracy, our builder, told us that he'd be here to demo the house this afternoon.  He arrived with some heavy equipment and got to work.

The first part to go was the carport.

Once the carport was down completely, he used the smaller machine to grab pieces and put them into the dumpster.
Neta's Uncle Donald watching.  He was born in that house.

Terrell surveying the operation.  He's spent over the last 20 years in that house.
Side of the house where the carport once stood.
With the carport mostly cleaned up, it was time to start on the back part of the house.
Starting to take down the back of the house.  Neta's cousin, Brian, is looking on.
Donald taking a picture of the demolition.

The even demo'd the sofa!
Looking through the front door into the living/family room.

That was pretty much where we left things.  Tracy was still going to work on the demo, but Neta and I had to get back to work.  We'll stop by tomorrow and see how much more he did.  He told us that he wouldn't finish until tomorrow, as he had 3 huge dumpsters that were almost full and will need them emptied and returned.

We hope to have another entry for Day 2 tomorrow...with video!  And so it begins...

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