Who couldn't love that face? |
Since her arrival she and Sammie have formed a bond. When they go out, they usually bound out into the yard side by side, though Sammie almost always pushes out the door first with Lulu Belle catching up. It can be a bit strained sometimes though. When Lulu Belle wants to be left alone, she lets Sammie know in no uncertain terms with a grumpy growl. Otherwise, they get along like old pals. Sammie grooms her face for her sometimes and Lulu Belle just sits there quietly. If one of them decides they don't want to stay outside any longer, when they come in they lay and wait by the door for the other one. When they're outside, they usually lay down in the pine straw a couple of feet from each other.
Sammie requested equal time in this blog entry, though she's probably disappointed that her picture wasn't first. |
Lulu Belle has also been gaining some much needed weight, with a ravenous appetite. We believe that she'd eat constantly if we let her. We weighed her last week and she'd put on about 4 1/2 pounds. If her bowl is empty, she'll immediately check Sammie's bowl to see if there is anything left to scavenge. Sammie's approach to eating has gotten a lot less leisurely since Lulu Belle came on the scene. She knows if you snooze, you lose. Not that Sammie hasn't poached a kibble or two from Lulu when she wasn't looking.
You can barely see my ribs now! Take that runway models! |
Her fur is slowly growing back in. It's not lush and she won't be doing any commercials for L'Oreal or Paul Mitchel, but it's progress. Her skin is getting better as well. It isn't putting out as much oil for protection so she smells better...somewhat. She's still a bit doggy smelling, but it's more of a natural dog smell instead of a dirty, abandoned dog smell. I've given her a few wipe downs using water with some apple cider vinegar and that really does the trick. Not only does it kill the smell for quite a few days, it also helps her skin and fur get its pH balance back...or so I've read.
Here's are before and after photos:
Before (08/17). The poster child for The Hair Club for Dogs. |
After (09/16). Much better! The kids at school no longer call me "baboon butt"! |
Is Lulu Belle spoiled? Hmmm...
Lulu Belle spoiled? Ask Sammie as she glares from the hardwood floor. |
Actually she's not...well...not any more than Sammie. We had to initially work to keep her off the furniture, piling boxes, dining room chairs, pillows and blankets on everything to keep her off. As you can see, she has taken a liking to my office chair. I don't object and Sammie has no interest.
Lulu Belle and Sammie, while sharing many similarities such as fur, a wagging tail, a penchant for treats, etc., they are very different dogs. Sammie always pushes to the front for everything and you can watch her body language as she'll hip check Lulu Belle out of the way. Especially when it comes to attention.
Yin and Yang |
Lulu Belle "sometimes" answers to her name. Sammie answers to any spoken word now that another dog is in the mix. If you talk to or start to pet Lulu Belle, prepare for Sammie to crash the party. Sammie can be boisterous and playful at times. Lulu Belle is more quiet and relaxed. Both dogs are very sweet and loving, seeing themselves as lapdogs if given the opportunity.
Both dogs are also very imprinted on Neta, Lulu Belle especially. She follows Neta everywhere she goes in the house. She'll even sit outside the bathroom door. Neta hands out the treats most of the time. I guess that's the price you pay for unconditional love/worship. Lulu "likes" me. She ADORES Neta!
"Oh...it's just you. Where's that lady with the hot dog slices?" |
"Maybe she's over there. Getting me a chunk of hot dog." |
That's it for the latest on Lulu Belle...
Ahh...togetherness... |
HOUSE UPDATE: We'll have blog entry shortly. There's been some paint, some trim work, some rustic touches and other things, but we didn't want to show you pictures of painted walls, only to show similar pictures again in a few weeks when the tile, the floors and the cabinets go in.
More to come...
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