Saturday, July 30, 2022

Lulu Belle - A Great Second Act

We'll never know how the first part of her life started or how she ended up on our farm and in our family, but we know how life went for her once she showed up and made her way into our hearts.

Lulu Belle
August 17, 2016 (age unknown) - July 29, 2022

Neta so touchingly described how Lulu entered and left our lives by saying that she came over to Neta, looking so sad and bedraggled with her head down and pushed into her legs/knees as we comforted her and she went out the same way, laying against Neta as we lovingly stroked her fur.

Neta holding her in the vet's office on her first day with us.

There could not have been a happier dog as she grew into her new life with us on the farm. There were many days in the first few years where you would look out into the yards and fields and see her running one direction or another, full speed, tail, ears and tongue flopping. She was the picture of joy. Sometimes she was tail up, nose to the ground on the trail of things following her instincts - we are next door to a quail farm. She would come into the house, completely exhausted, flopping onto the cool, wood floor. Sometimes clean, sometimes covered in whatever would stick to her fur from the woods and tall grass and sometimes just completely wet, muddy and filthy. But always worn out and happy.

A filthy, muddy Lulu, at her happiest

As those days slowly faded into her older years, she still enjoyed a run from time to time, following Neta up and down the lane, to and from Hollis House when it had to be cleaned for arriving guests.

In the last year she was (sort of) diagnosed with Canine Cognitive Disorder (basically Alzheimer's for Dogs), along with advancing cataracts and diminished hearing, she wasn't quite the same youthful dog as the one who ran with reckless abandon.  She got more quiet and slept more, enjoying the cool of the house to the heat of the outdoors. She still loved to be loved on, and like when we first met her would push against you, head down until she flopped down into a fully submissive, belly-up posture for you to rub and scratch her anywhere you could reach.

She loved the cool air that came down the stairway.

Our last picture of her from mid-June.
Enjoying the comfort of the sofa.

I won't go into all of the sad details about her condition other than to say that her life wasn't the same for her or for us as it was when she was younger and healthier. We knew the end was not far off and we dreaded the decision we'd eventually have to make; we wanted to head off any suffering that medication couldn't alleviate. When she took a sudden turn for the worse a few nights ago we knew it was time.

So we said goodbye to our loving and faithful companion. May she run in fields and woods and swim in ponds and roll in the grass in whatever waits for her beyond this life. We hope that the life we gave her lived up to the life she obviously deserved for all the love she gave back to us.

Goodbye Lulu Belle. We love you!

More blog posts about Lulu -

The day we found her -

Her figuring out and accepting the family dynamic -

Farm Dogs -

You Dirty Dog! -

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Seems Like Only Yesterday

OK, we'll admit we might have ignored our blog a little, and therefore didn't keep you up-to-date on what's been going on around here. While so many people were creating podcasts and blogs and other ways to reach out during the pandemic, we were focusing on...   uh...sorry, we lost focus. What were we talking about again?

Anyway, since our last entry (Aug 2020) quite a few things have happened around here. For now we'll feature some more recent news...animals and animal babies.

Our plan over the winter was to get a few more chickens and another dozen guineas. We ordered the guineas in January for pick up at the end of May. We bought the chickens from a local feed store in February.

The chicks. 3 Barred Rocks (1 rooster, 2 hens). 2 Golden Comets (hens)

So far, so good. We raised them in the house until they were 5-6 weeks old and then put them in a holding pen in the coop until they could fend for themselves with the adult chickens and guineas. Speaking of holding pens...

We moved the tractor and lawn mower and closed in the middle part of the back of our small barn, connecting it to the current run. We figured that if we ever got a somewhat larger flock, this would give them plenty of room to live together should we go away for a weekend trip and leave them locked up in the run.

A new holding pen for young chickens inside of what will be an enlarged run.

The (mostly) finished product (as of May 18th)

The new chickens are doing quite well and have blended in with the original chickens. The rooster is taking charge and even the older chickens have taken notice.

A throwback photo from their younger days (about a month ago)

We picked up our new guineas on May 22 and brought them home.

The keets cowering in the corner of their new, temporary home.

They'll get moved out into the new holding pen (in the new run) in a few weeks. We just want to make sure they are feathered out enough to stay warm at night. But just as we had things all planned out...

About a month ago, our sole female guinea was laying eggs and building up a nest. She'd reached the point where she was satisfied with the number of eggs and went broody. We couldn't allow this...because...her nest isn't protected. She lays her eggs in brushy places around the farm. At first light she'll come off the nest to forage for food for a few minutes and that is when the predators can find her and make her some foraging of their own. So...Neta gathered the eggs (8) and put them under a broody hen that we had. We'd tried it last year but the hen gave up as guinea eggs take about a week longer. Maybe this year would be different.

In the meantime, this past Sunday (May 31), these two showed up.

We decided this was perfect as we'd always wanted a barn cat. We figure once they're a little older we'll turn them loose and hope at least one of them sticks around. And then this happened the very next day...

That's right. A third one joined the mix. We found the first two in a ditch along the lane to our house. Their brother/sister found it's way to our carport on Memorial Day. We'll see how this all works out.

At this point we had no idea we weren't done with babies. A check of the chicken "momma" revealed some broken eggs. You don't suppose... Then we heard peeping...

The first four.

This one had fallen out of the nesting box.

The next day we sort of forgot about them while we were back at work. Neta went outside to do some watering and she heard loud peeping. She looked and there were escapees running around the barn. She corralled 3 of them and I found the fourth. We put them in the new pen and went to check on Momma.

There were 4 more under her and no more eggs. She'd hatched them all! We moved her and the remaining chicks into the pen, putting in dishes of food and water for the little ones and some adult food for Momma.

Momma and part of her brood (in the wading pool apparently)

Everyone in the neighborhood is excited!


The rooster thinks he is the proud papa. Little does he know.

We'll fill you in all the other stuff at a later time. We decided that this news was exciting enough to bring us out of our blogging doldrums.

We hope you enjoyed our "comeback" post. We hope to do better in the coming weeks and months.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Dog Days of Summer

These aren't really the the dog days of summer for us, because our dog is too spoiled to go out in the heat. Craig and I will be outside working and Lulu will stand by the door, insisting we let her back in the air-conditioned house.

Before I left things go (to seed, literally).

The garden in good times

Actually, this time of year we are usually outside only in the mornings and evenings.  Every summer when the heat really gets going my garden starts getting neglected and overgrown, although I managed to keep on top of it longer than usual this year (thanks, quarantine!)  But we're finally at that point - I've gone a full week without pulling a weed or picking okra.  I'll have my work cut out for me this weekend!

Overgrown okra is still pretty

Of course, even when I'm being good I still fall behind on okra picking, because if you don't pick every day you wind up with billy clubs instead of edible pods.  The orange bucket was heading straight to the compost pile.  The blue bucket was the week's haul of bell peppers, plus the edible okra.

One thing I did pick this week was wild muscadines.  Almost 10 pounds of muscadines, which is actually not all that much, since they're bigger and heavier than regular grapes.  It took me about 30 minutes to gather that many and I could have gotten more but...did I mention it is hot outside?

I did actually pick more...but a great many of them wound up in my belly instead of the bowl.  And yes, I sucked the pulp, spit the seeds and tossed the skins!

Grandma's hand-me-down Tupperware - family heirloom!

Pretty soon we'll be getting pecans and that's going to be a real job.  Our trees are absolutely loaded this year - I'm excited and dreading the work at the same time!  I even looked into getting a roller to pull behind our lawn tractor but that's way more money than I'm willing to spend to save myself a few hours of rolling with a hand tool.  Might change my mind halfway through, though.

These branches aren't normally touching the ground - they are just weighed down with pecans.

We also had a bumper crop of black walnuts this year, which would be great if I liked them.  I found out I didn't really care for them after the first time I went through the long, tedious and messy process of getting them ready to eat.  This year I just gathered a bucketful to toss out into the areas we're letting go back to woods - maybe we'll get lucky and some will take root.  If you haven't ever seen them being grown - they start out looking like limes.

This year I mixed in a lot more flowers in my veggie garden than I had in years past and that's worked out really well.  It is supposed to attract more pollinators and I think it has, but mostly it just makes it pretty and I'm all for that.

This weekend is supposed to be cloudy and not quite as brutally hot as August in Georgia usually is, so I'm hoping to get the garden wrangled into order (as much as a garden ever is, or should be) this weekend.  Wish me luck!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Guinea Babies Everywhere!

If you want to make an omelette you have a break a few eggs. The same rule applies to hatching guinea keets, though we've let them do the egg breaking. It all started late Saturday night (July 4th)  before we went to bed. As we were coming down to the final days for our eggs Neta went to turn off the automatic egg turner in the incubator and we found this:

A tiny crack in the guinea egg
And so it begins...

A small crack in one of the eggs. Once they "pip" it's usually less than a day before they are fully hatched. We went to bed knowing we'd wake up to a newly hatched guinea walking around in the incubator

Well...that's not what happened.

Most people experienced in hatching eggs will tell you not to intervene and let nature take its course.

We intervened.

Sensing something wasn't quite right Neta did some additional research and found out that the humidity was too low in our incubator. It was fine while the eggs were developing and turning, but the last few days the humidity needed to be higher or the chicks can become "shrink-wrapped" by the interior membrane. We added more water to the incubator and set about "moisturizing" the eggs and the membrane as we had more that were pipped.

It worked!

A couple of newly hatched guinea keets

We ended up losing the first one that we helped as it was too far gone from low humidity, but the rest managed to hang on and seemed to get a burst of energy once we moistened the membrane around them. By the end of the day we had 4 that had hatched on their own and were walking around. A fifth one was still laying on its side and we worried it might not make it as it couldn't support its own weight. We suddenly had a new problem to figure out: Splayed Leg

Laying on his/her side because of weak legs

The first 4 were transferred to a brooder we'd set up with a heater, feeder and waterer while we dealt with the guinea with splayed leg. Once again Neta did the research and fashioned a splint out of a bread tie and some medical tape. We splinted its legs and stood the chick up inside of what I jokingly referred to as "The Iron Lung".

I just busted out of an eggshell and this is what I get for my troubles?

The poor little thing was stuffed in there among paper towels to hold it up and then another taped over top to keep it from escaping. It wasn't pretty, but the next day it could stand up straight so it got transferred to the brooder with its 4 friends. And the eggs kept on popping like popcorn as I texted Neta new pictures. She implored me to stop them from hatching so she could get home to see them. By the end of Tuesday we had 4 more hatch and on Wednesday we put them in the brooder as well.

Exploring their new world!

The last one to hatch was the smallest egg in the bunch. It was about 70% the size of the others and when it hatched it was so tiny. It also had splayed legs and got the same treatment, but after a day in the "lung" it can't quite seem to get all the way to normal. It can sit upright but walks slowly and awkwardly. We ended up putting it in with the other keets in the brooder hoping it will gain strength being around others instead of being lonely.

We still have 4 eggs left that we feel are viable, three of which were laid several days later, so should be a little behind this initial batch. The ones we slipped under our broody hen in the coop were eventually abandoned by her this week. We brought them in and did a float test and they all sunk, so they're no good. So we wait.

In the meantime, our current brood is learning how to drink from a water bottle. It seems a bit rough but you basically grab their head and shove their beak into the end of the tube. Neta and I have done this to all the birds, some multiple times. They eventually figure out that sticking their beak in there means a refreshing drink and once a couple start pecking at it, they all mimic the behavior.

Waterboarding, but in a helpful and friendly way.

As long as everyone continues to develop and grow, we'll have nearly replenished our flock. We lost 11 original members and so far have hatched 10, with 4 eggs to go. We're pretty happy with our efforts, we learned a lot and should we lose more in the next year, we'll be ready and more knowledgeable for another batch. There's always something happening around here that teaches us new skills. We can now hatch eggs and treat Splayed Legs.

What's next, we wonder?

UPDATE: This past Saturday (July 11) two of the last four eggs hatched, bringing us to a final total of 12 hatched keets. The last two eggs showed no signs of life after a float test, so we ended up 12 out of 15 viable eggs. Considering we had to flush the momma off her nest to "save" her and gather the eggs, this was a pretty good hatch.

A pretty successful hatch. One big family!

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Pulling the Old Switcheroo (and other stuff)

On Monday we'll have had our guineas for a year, picking up 18 of them as week-old keets. We've certainly enjoyed them, but some of the local wildlife (namely coyotes and possibly foxes) has not been kind. Our numbers have recently dwindled to 7. Not good.

Guineas are not fully domesticated so trying to keep them penned up will not work. They need to roam. Now that warmer temps are upon us the guineas are in the mood for love and that love leads to laying eggs and laying eggs leads to getting broody and wanting to sit on a nest...usually hidden in the weeds/woods somewhere...once there are about 30+ communally-laid eggs in that nest.

Guinea nest in the edge of the woods
A nest that is about halfway full

We've managed to find most of the nests and have tried to protect them, but even so, the Mama guinea leaves the nest early in the morning to eat and that seems to be when they are killed. I have no idea how they have survived in the wilds of Africa. So from the newest nest we began to take the most recent eggs and put them in here:

Our new incubator
IncubaTRON 5000XL Gold Extreme (not really)
We figure if we're going to lose them to predators, we might as well try to replace them, if we can. We just started the incubator a few days ago, and then...

One of our chickens went broody on us. She's smart enough to stay in the coop on her eggs in the nesting box, safe and sound. But the joke's on her as our rooster has been dead and gone for two months, so she's trying to hatch duds. This means, we have a second incubator for our guinea eggs. We just have to convince her to sit on them.

Our broody hen
That looks says "Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'!"

I've seen videos and read blogs about dealing with a broody hen. She will guard her eggs and isn't happy to have someone messing with her while she's trying to raise a family. She'll peck, snarl, make strange noises and do all within her power to keep you away. I'm sure if she had a grenade or rocket launcher, she'd use it. Keeping this in mind, I'm sure she didn't want me reaching in and switching her eggs for some new guinea eggs. But we had to try, right?

We gathered the three newest (today) eggs on the guinea nest and headed to the coop. Our plan was for me to reach in and grab the hen, wearing work gloves of course, while Neta removed the old chicken eggs and replaces them with the guinea eggs. Sounds easy enough.

Believe it or not, it was. She pecked me once (on the glove), but was very docile other than making an otherworldly noise when I picked her up that may have been summoning some ancient chicken demon or putting some fowl curse on me. Neta swapped out the eggs and I put her back in the nesting box. She (the chicken, not Neta) re-arranged the eggs a bit, then settled down on top of them just like nothing had changed. Now, we hope she can be patient enough to sit on them for 28 days, since chicken eggs only take about 21 days. Fingers crossed.

In Other News...

On the fruit and veggie front our garden and fruit trees have been doing quite well. We got our first peaches a few weeks back. Our trees are still small. The later one has 4 peaches on it but they aren't ripe yet. The early one also had 4 edible peaches which we turned into peach milkshakes two nights in a row. YUM!!!

Our La Feliciana Peach
Our La Feliciana Peach (the later one). Hopefully they'll get bigger
and be ripe in a few more weeks.

Our apple tree (an Anna apple we think) has about 10 or so fruit on it. One ripened early and we enjoyed it a couple of nights ago. That was a highlight as apples don't do well in the south with so much heat. This apple was firm with smooth white flesh and just slightly tart. We're looking forward to more of this.

Our Anna apple
It wasn't this apple. We ate it before thinking to take a picture.
Our blueberries are peaking right now. They'll keep going until the first week or so of July.

Pure Goodness!

Neta has used them with some of the wild blackberries she's picked to make "Black & Blue Jam". Quite tasty. But they're hard to beat directly off the bush.

We'll finish up with a tour around the vegetable garden. This year Neta has nearly perfected things. The garden is nearly weed-free through her use of cardboard and weed-stop cloth in-between the rows, and lots of mulch and pine straw around the plants coupled with an array of soaker hoses to help keep things watered. Here's what we have going:

Asparagus - This is its 2nd year. Not quite ready for harvesting. It will be established enough next year. It's still putting all of its effort into growing and expanding its root system.

Asparagus, fronted by painted gourds on thick branches (ask Neta)

Leeks - We harvested them a couple of months ago. We're letting a few go to seed to replant for next year. The pollinators love the blooms.


Tomatillos - They've struggled a bit this year. Could be too much recent rain. We'll keep you posted on them.


Peanuts - Jimmy Carter isn't the only peanut farmer in Georgia. We grew a few last year. Just enough to make us want to try it again.


Sunflowers - We grow them every year. So far we've only had one of the smaller ones bloom, but we have plenty of others that are still growing. We have to plant them in the garden to keep the deer away. They love to eat sunflower leaves and the tender young stalks.


Okra - You pretty much can't fail with okra. It will grow anywhere and will get very prolific. I'm sure this year will be no exception.


Cow Peas - Southern Brown Sugar, to be exact.  Our first year growing them, they are just about to start blooming.

Yard-Long Red Beans - Red Noodle, appropriately enough.  We grew a green variety last year and really enjoyed it.  This year we had an aphid problem early on but a few applications of Neem oil cleared that up and now they are coming on strong.

Corn - Silver Queen, growing up among our watermelons.  

Red & Yellow Bell Peppers - we're picking a few while still green.  

Eggplant - Many varieties, shapes and sizes. Black Beauty, Casper, Ichiban and many others. Eggplant is one of our favorites and we use it in many dishes. We especially enjoy grilling them and pureeing them down into a smoky Baba Ganoush or taking the skinny Italian or Japanese varieties, thinly slicing them and frying them into chips to just eat plain or adding them to Sabich, an Israeli vegetable sandwich. Delicious!

Tomatoes - we're just at the start of what will be a bumper crop, but unfortunately the first harvest is likely to be the last for most of these plants due to Fusarium wilt.  Neta fights it every year, some years more successfully than others. This year, the two varieties that have done the best for us are Park's Whopper and Defiant.

That about sums it up for this entry. We are hoping to have a bountiful summer of fresh veggies and fruit. And who knows, we might even have a guinea keet or two running around here in a month or so. We'll see...