Friday, July 17, 2015

Sigh of Relief

As we detailed in the first post, and updated in the second, we can now, finally provide the final update on the sale of our house in Virginia.  It is of yesterday, July 16th.  WHEW!  There were days we didn't think it would happen.  After such a short time on the market and accepting an offer after 4 days, to the joy-crushing news that the buyer's financing fell through, to coming back up to cloud...well...maybe cloud 4 and 1/4 or 5 (certainly not cloud 9) after finding out they'd gotten new financing, to the final word from out realtor that the deal was done, it was quite a roller-coaster ride.
Not our actual house or sign.

Our closing was originally scheduled for either July 7th or 8th, but we got word that it wasn't going to happen then.  We blew past those dates with little word.  After some prodding of the realtor on Tuesday, she informed us that our closing was scheduled for this Thursday (the 16th).  Neta happened to be in Raleigh, NC for her work and wasn't scheduled to come back until Thursday night, so that rearranged her schedule.  We also had to scramble to find a notary public to verify our signatures since we were doing all of this remotely.

A quick check of the surrounding area didn't reveal much except the UPS store.  That didn't sound like the best option as there were about 25 pages to sign and we'd have to fax the copies in for verification that we got it all correct before we Fedex'd in the originals.  I made some calls then finally came up with the idea to use the lawyer that has been doing some work for us as it pertains to buying the farm.  The people in her office said it would be no problem.  We made an appointment for Thursday morning.

On Thursday we got the papers signed, the lawyer scanned them and emailed them off for us.  The title company in VA had one minor change to make, which we fixed.  I then headed to the Fedex facility, about 25 or more miles away in a tiny little town that, according to my father-in-law, may not even register as a town.  Coincidentally, the town is called Register.

I plugged the address into my GPS and off I went.  When you turn off the interstate, Register isn't even listed as a town to which any road sign points you.  Statesboro, sure.  Claxton, yes.  Back to Savannah, absolutely.  No Register.  Regardless, I had a street address.  I drove about 5 miles once I got off the interstate only to have the GPS have me do a U-turn and instruct me to go another 5 miles back in the direction I'd just come from.  Luckly, I was paying attention.  About halfway back to the interstate I saw the Fedex sign.  Of course I could have turned from the highway directly into that little dirt road from my original direction.

Not actually Craig and Neta, but the reaction was
pretty much the same.
The building was down a rutted, dirt road and the building did not look like a "full-service" Fedex facility, but happily I discovered it was.  I dropped off the overnight package, smiling as I returned to my car, knowing that our paperwork was on its way to the final steps of house-selling.

Later that day we got the call from our realtor - "Congratulations! You've sold your house!"  What a relief getting that call was to us.

So now Phase Two (or Three?), which originally was supposed to be Phase One, is complete.  We h ave remote jobs, we're in GA and our house in VA has been sold.  Yeah...I guess that's three phases.  So now we work on Phase Four, buying the farm.  We hope to be able to share that news in the next month or so.

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