Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wildlife camera

This is Neta again.  You can always tell if the post is from me; it will either be about cooking or gardening or just a bunch of pictures.  This time I've taken lazy to a new level: I didn't even take these pictures myself.

We got our wildlife camera when we were still in Virginia, but didn't use it much because all we ever got were pictures of Sammie running around the backyard.  Since we've been living the country life in Georgia we've gotten much more use out of it.  We've gotten some cool animal shots, but we also have a lot of shots of Craig or Robert on the lawn mower.

Eating pears off the tree

We try to move the camera around to different spots, but putting it under a pecan tree in Autumn turned out to be a mistake:  we got about a hundred shots of falling pecans.  

I'm not sure but this might be a chupacabre, 
This guy was in a hurry

This fox must have a den nearby - we got several shots of him

We get a lot of deer pictures, and even some Deere pictures...

This isn't creepy at all, right?

(dirt) road grader 


  1. What? No shots of Robert and Craig on the lawn mower? Booo!

  2. That's cuz we're on permanent snake patrol.
