Monday, January 18, 2016

Things that can go wrong when you are renting

One of the good things about renting a house (or apartment) is that if anything goes wrong, you can always call someone when things break.  We've had the heat/AC guy out here about five or six times in the six months we've been here.  We've had propane delivered for the water heater.  We understand the systems of the house and know who to call when things go wrong.  Then there are days like today.  Sometimes, no matter how good of a tenant you try to be, you just can't know or figure out everything.

The culprit behind all the trouble.
I called the gas company last Friday to set up a delivery of gas again, it's been six months since we had the tank filled.  No problem.  They showed up today.  Fast service.  The delivery guy was very nice and we talked while he filled the tank.  He shut things down, handed me my receipt and I walked in the house as he, I assumed, headed to his next stop.  Then I saw him walk to the front door.  Apparently this happened...

Oops! He's not getting out of there by himself!
Landlords never tell you things like...oh I don't know...where the septic tank is.  There is no map provided with the rental agreement that shows you things like that.  And let's face it, who thinks to ask such a question?  As a matter of fact, common sense would dictate to me that this (pictured below) is the septic tank at the back of the house, and it probably is.  The one this guy's truck went in to is probably an old one that is no longer hooked up.

That looks like the concrete top to a septic tank on the back of the house
I felt bad for the delivery guy.  The last guy took a wider berth of the house and had no issues.  This guy backed in just like I told him to, as I had no knowledge of any septic tank, current or old, at the side of the house.

He called his company, who told him to call a tow truck.  Poor guy was stuck waiting for about an hour.  In the end, these guys showed up.

That's some serious muscle there!
That tow truck didn't even flinch.  Winched him right out like it was a toy.

The guy in the middle is not the one doing the actual pulling.

The crisis is over.  The landlord has been notified and we'll see what they want to do about the hole in the yard...the one with the nasty smell emanating from it.

Does anyone have an orange cone or two I can borrow?
Maybe some police tape?
As for the driver, he now has to go take a drug test to make sure he wasn't on anything that caused him to drive his truck into the septic tank.  Poor guy.  How could he know?  How could I know?  Though we both know now.  Duly noted for future reference.

1 comment:

  1. I've just shipped you 16 cases of Christmas tree air fresheners. You welcome!
