Tuesday, May 3, 2016

One House, Two House, Rental House, New House!

Work is moving on all fronts.  The cabin has been transformed on the outside now that the siding is on.  Close your eyes and think back...  NO...WAIT!  Keep reading...
It went from this...
to this...
...and finally to this.
It took a couple of days for the siding to go up, as a few storms moved through, but as you can see the ugly duckling is becoming a nice little cabin.  Granted there's still interior work and yard work to be done, but you gotta admit, that's quite the transformation.  Also there's the underside of the carport.
Even the carport gets all fancy!
Moving inside...  We got a visit from the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man...or maybe it was the spray foam man.  Regardless, when he got done, this is what things looked like.
The front wall of the cabin
Looking up where the wall meets the roof
The attic space.
Considering this place is only about 620 square feet of living space, the electric bill here heating and cooling is going to be quite small.

Moving down the road to the main house.  Last week we got the footings dug and concrete poured
This will eventually be a front porch.
In the last two days (Monday & Tuesday) they started laying the blocks.
The whole enchilada!
Carport in the foreground with small porch (back left)
You'll have to use your imagination on these next pictures and descriptions.
Front to back: Front porch (where loose blocks are laying), Living Room, Laundry/Mud Room (jutting out to left - will open to the small porch), Kitchen & Dining (Far back center & center right)
Front to back:  Office (front left), Guest Bedroom & Bathroom (front right), Master Bedroom (rear)
Sorry, we don't have any pictures of the upstairs yet.  That'll require a LOT more blocks.

The house is being built on a concrete slab.  They'll smooth out the dirt to fill inside the blocks, tamp it down, then fill in with concrete for the various levels.  You'll just have to trust me until the next blog post.

In other housing news...  We mentioned back in this post on March 14th that our landlord was possibly moving back into the house we are renting.  Well...it's official.  This means we'll have to move into one more house before finally moving into our new and last house.

The good news is the landlord has another house that we can move right into.  It's considerably smaller - 2 bedrooms vs. 4 bedrooms - but it has all the necessities; a roof, high speed internet (for our jobs), running water, a fridge and a toilet.  OK...it's an actual house, but we will be roughing it for a few months.  Our choices were that house or pay a full year somewhere else as finding another house for such a short term would be next to impossible.  It's just part of the adventure, right?

I hope Emily and Robert like bunk beds!

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