Tuesday, September 20, 2016


We've wanted to wait on an update about the house until we had more to show you than just painted walls.  We're pretty happy with our paint choices, don't get us wrong, but we thought that a blog entry of just wall pictures showing colors like "Sea Salt", "Honeydew", "Tidewater", "Meander" and "Sand Dollar" might not be as colorful to you as it is to us.  With that being said, we'll at least show you a few samples, such as the front door:
This is called "Butter Up".
And the porch ceiling:
"Meander" - Our version of "Haint Blue"
As you can see from the picture above the leftover 2x4s are still there providing support for the porch and carport.  When choosing columns for around the house we went through Neta's Pinterest account to see other houses that she'd pinned.  Almost all of them had natural wood columns instead of painted.  Our choices were cedar or cypress.  Cypress was the far more economical option and it matched other cypress that we used for our accent wall inside.  It was an easy choice.
8x8 posts. Cut from the heart of the tree.
Of course I took it at an angle that put a column right in front of the door.  DOH!
(The one in front of the door has another board leaning against it telling the painters not to paint the posts.)
If your first reaction is "Oh no!  There are too many and they're too big!", join the club.  Neta and I each saw it at separate times and we felt the same way upon first gaze.  Then we walked around.  We went inside and looked out the windows.  We went back outside and looked at it from the perspective of how they lined up on the porch, then how they lined up with the dormers above and in just a few minutes it began to grow on us.  Now we love it!
We can't wait to finally get the front yard cleaned up.
As the trim is being finished up inside, we'd asked for window seats in the dormers of the two upstairs bedrooms.
By the way, the wall color is "Sea Salt".
This wall color is "Honeydew" (Emily's choice for her room).
The tile folks started on Monday and began to layout the showers for both downstairs bathrooms.
Guest Bath - Awaiting concrete floor and tile
The entrance to the shower in the Master Bath.  The floor is poured.
Master Bath

Those are the most recent changes.  The tile should be finished this week.  Our contractor is also working to get the permanent power turned on as we'll need to have the AC on and running before they can install flooring and cabinets.  We'll keep you posted!

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