Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Bear Visit - Confirmed

(Borrowing parts and paraphrasing from Neta's Facebook post)

While we only had chewed tires and some paw prints as evidence, we figured there were some doubters out there, ourselves included from time to time.  It didn't take long for our suspicions to be confirmed.  We got the proof we were hoping for, but it was a classic case of be careful what you wish for...the bear came back.  Nothing like a second visit from an unwanted visitor.
The excitement of seeing a bear in your yard isn't conducive to clear photos.
Neta had just gotten out of the shower and was putting lotion on (this is relevant) when she heard something outside the window. The blinds were open about 6 inches and she started to look out when she simultaneously heard the noise again AND realized it was claws against the side of the house. Mr. Bear was back!  He probably got a good laugh as she was trying to turn the doorknob with lotion-covered hands! It's funny now but not so much for her at the time.

I grabbed the shotgun and flashlight and went outside, where I found the bear had retreated to a nearby tree. He was huffing and clearly unhappy with me disturbing him. Neta called the Bulloch County Sheriff's office before coming outside to maneuver her car to shine its headlights on the bear so we could see it better.  We were at a safe distance, trust me.
Hello, Mr. Bear.  Not so nice to meet you, but glad you confirmed our suspicions.
He came down the tree, so I fired a shot in the air to deter him from coming in our direction.  He ran off, but apparently didn't go far. When the deputies arrived they were able to spot him about 100 yards away. Not much they can do, as bears are a protected species, nor do we want to see it harmed unnecessarily.
Paw prints under the bathroom window
The Bulloch County Deputies contacted DNR who said they'd come by today and set up a bear trap.  True to their word they showed up with this in tow:
Baited and ready!
Full of yummy (for a bear I guess) sardines and Little Debbie snacks
The DNR Rangers were really taken with all of the paw marks and smudges on my car.
This is the hood of Emily's car from the first night of activity.
Smudging her mirror does not reflect well on that bear's manners.
The trap is set.  So now we wait...

I'll be really disappointed if a raccoon or other smaller animal triggers the trap.

We'll keep you posted.

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