Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Auntie Em! Auntie Em!

It was just about the end of my workday.  Neta had been getting alerts on her phone about the "Severe Thunderstorm Watch", then eventually the "Severe Thunderstorm Warning.  I was blithely sitting at the computer, but I could see the through the window that the wind was really picking up.  It was really blowing at one point and I took notice that it was more than just a breeze.

Not Neta. Not Emily.
Neta and Emily went outside to grab some plants that were perched on the wall of our carport.  I decided I'd get up and look around.  The wind got even stronger.  I walked outside and Neta and Emily were scrambling to grab potted plants.  One large one had already blown off the wall and broken.  I was surprised at how strong the wind was.

It blew a cushion off one of the gliders as it whipped around a corner of the house, but we recovered it before it got too far.  It almost blew a rocking chair off the front porch.  It appears that the one plant pot was our only casualty.

I've seen plenty of Thunderstorms and strong winds from those storms, but this was different.  As we're surrounded by cotton fields, and have all of that open space around us, the wind had plenty of room to blow, and blow it did.  It reminded of me the Derecho that blew through the DC/MD/VA area a few years back.  It was ferocious.  I've never heard the wind whistle during a thunderstorm before, but this time it did.  And the funny thing was, we never really got much of a storm, just a lot of wind and a little bit of rain.  It was more of a wind storm or a strong front pushing through very fast.  I took some pictures looking out over the field from under the huge oak in our front yard, but it couldn't do it justice.  Trust me when I say it was awesome to watch.

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