Saturday, June 27, 2015

Blueberry Picking Time!

Today after meeting with family to celebrate Neta's grandmother's 98th birthday and go out to lunch, we did a little shopping for some household items, then we headed to Pembroke to the farm for some blueberry picking.

There are about 10 or so blueberry bushes on the farm and every year they are full of berries around this time of year.  Usually we get the last of them when we come down for the family reunion, but now we'll have access to them during the entire season.

Today was a nice day, weather-wise, as a front came through and cooled things off to the mid to low 80's with a nice breeze.  There were a few storms around, but they managed to hold off so we could do some picking.

A very small sample. 6 delicious quarts (there is more not pictured)

As you can see we brought home enough to snack on, have blueberry pancakes with and perhaps allow Neta to make her famous Blueberry Buckle...and probably freeze some for future rounds of those previously mentioned treats.
So now that you know, if you ever want lots of fresh blueberries, all you have to do is come visit us starting around the last weeks of June through about the middle of July. 

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