Friday, March 25, 2016

Full Dumpsters, a Salvaged Bathtub and a Stray Quail

Day 4.  Just a quick status update.  The dumpsters are full again.  We knew this would happen.  Our delays are based on the county's ability to drop off new ones and dump the old ones.
Can't get much done when all the dumpsters are full.
Tracy has taken down everything except for the original part of the house.
All of the "additions" are gone.  Only the original structure still stands.
The backporch, kitchen, back bedroom and bathroom have been torn off.
Looking across where the back bedroom, bathroom and kitchen used to be.
We'd asked Tracy in the course of tearing things down, if he could set aside either of the cast iron bathtubs, we'd appreciate it.  Looks like he came through for us.  Better quality than a new one and refinishing it won't be terribly expensive.
Cast iron bathtub and some concrete pylons that were part of the foundation of the addition.
A couple semi-related notes:  An escapee from the quail farm next door was seen sneaking around the bushes next to the house.  I wasn't able to get a picture.  Also our building loan is final and we signed the closing documents.  It feels good to get all of that behind us.

Looks like we'll be on hold, from a construction perspective, until Monday.  Check back at the beginning of the week for more updates.

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