Thursday, March 24, 2016

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Not sure whether today is day 2 or day 3.  It depends on your perspective, I guess.  What would have been day 2 brought us no progress.  Our builder, Tracy, is waiting on the county to replace the three big dumpsters that are full to the brim.
Can't do much when the trash cans are all full
Carport, living and family room are gone.  But's that open concept kitchen we've always wanted!
This is what the south normally looks like in tornado season, right?
We tried to salvage the wood stove, but it was badly rusted inside.
Neta and I drove out Thursday evening, knowing there'd been no progress all day, but when we got there, Tracy and his son were pulling more of the house down.
The front porch is gone.
Tracy was on the verge of filling up three more dumpsters,  It will probably take another 3 or 4 once these are filled.  He's also doing a good job of pulling out old timbers for us to use somewhere in the new house.  There are a few in the attic that he hasn't gotten to yet, along with the two cast iron (not clawfoot) tubs that he's going to try to salvage for us.

Since we were over there, we figured we'd spend some time walking around.  We ended up walking around the big pond when suddenly Neta let out a small yell.  She'd almost gotten swooped by this guy.
It must have a nest nearby as didn't fly far from us.
He crossed the pond, where Neta tried to flush him back towards me, but he was not intimidated and stayed around long enough for us to get some good pictures.
Neta trying to sneak a picture of the heron.
He's keeping an eye on us.
There's rain in the forecast for the next 3 or 4 days, so I doubt much will get done until next week.

We'll keep you posted...

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