Friday, April 15, 2016

Raise It!

If you could see Neta and I right now, we look just like this.  She's on the right.  ;-)

That's right, we've raised the roof!  This was the progress on Wednesday.

And this is how things looked on Thursday.

As you can see, things are coming along.  Next week the plumbers, electrician and spray foam insulation goes in.  Neta and I have picked out a siding color (no spoilers) and we'll go and pick out flooring today.  We've provided the layout for the kitchen appliances and cabinets as well.

The timber operation has ceased...for now.  There are some wet and swampy areas that they can't get to so they'll have to come back later and finish up.  It's a dramatic change, but after the initial shock, we like it.  Terrell gave his seal of approval as well.  The land has really opened up.  I promise pictures as soon as I can put together a set of comparisons.

One more picture for our non-Facebook friends who didn't get to see it.  This is the view of our pond this past Tuesday.  It was just about sunset and the water was smooth and calm.  Let this image take you into a relaxing weekend.  Enjoy!
A moment of Zen

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