Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Cabin - Early Stages of Transformation

This week has seen a flurry of activity.  Tracy finished the main house demolition and cleaned up the area.  All that remains are a lonely dumpster and cedar tree.
232 D. Strickland Rd. - Coming soon!
The main focus this week has been the start of renovation at the Cabin...finally.  We've been waiting for the framing crew to finish another job so they could work their magic on Terrell's future home.
An ugly duckling...
And so it begins...  Day one, the old plywood sheathing must go.
I wonder if Terrell would go for "open" concept throughout?
As you can see, just cleaning up the yard in front (where the trailer was) and taking down the old plywood makes a big difference.  It no longer looks condemned, just a work in progress.  On to Day 2 as they begin to frame in the windows and doors.
It's starting to look like a house.
The above picture was at lunchtime on Day 2.  By the time I got back that evening...  Poof!  The sheathing had been put on.
And a bedroom closet is framed out...
The frame of the bedroom closet
The doors and windows have arrived and are ready for installation.
By the end of Day 3, it was really starting to look like a nice little house was taking shape.  The house wrap was on, windows were installed and the carport has been framed.

Side view looking toward the main door and side kitchen/living room window.
A view from the back.
L to R - Kitchen window (over the sink), bathroom window and bedroom window.
The bedroom windows.
The windows in the living room/kitchen
It's exciting to see this old, abandoned structure being turned into a nice little place.  We'll be picking out siding and roofing next week and hope to have the electrical and plumbing starting as well.

The timber operations continue but things have slowed down.  The mill has put a quota on the deliveries of trees and only allowing companies to deliver 7 truckloads per day.  We have a lot of tress cut and piled up in places.  There are still areas that are too wet to cut trees.  They may have to leave and come back later in the spring or summer.  We'll see.

The changes to the farm are dramatic to say the least.  We can't wait to see how it all turns out.

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