Thursday, June 2, 2016

1st of June

We have progress to report!  Not so much on the cabin (which I am beginning to fear will never be finished), or the house, but in the gardens.

Yesterday we discovered and devoured the first ripe blueberries of the season.  There weren't many (yet) but they were amazing.  I've always loved the blueberries on the farm, but in recent years we've usually gotten down here at the very tail end of their season.  I'm looking forward to sharing a very bountiful harvest!

Get in my belly!

The few that didn't get in my belly.

That's allright fella, that one is all yours.  

We found something else in the blueberry bushes, too.  A pair of brown thrashers have a nest in one of the bushes, and Mama was happily minding her babies until Craig tried to take her picture.  Then she lived up to her name, and Papa got in on the action, too.  You can see her wing in the picture below.  Craig had an exciting few minutes, and after a quick picture we left them alone.  Although I can't promise not to be back soon (blueberries aren't for the birds!)

Not very cute at that stage.  

Along with the first blueberries, we also got our first ripe tomato yesterday.  In Virginia I used to shoot for (and usually fail) at having ripe tomatoes by the 4th of July.  Getting one a month earlier than that was pretty exciting.  It isn't a very pretty tomato, but there are a lot more coming along.

The cucumbers are old hat by now.  

There is actual progress on the house...framing just isn't very visually exciting at this point.  Yesterday Craig and I ventured out to shop for lighting.  We returned home with 4 massive catalogs and a new-found appreciation for interior designers who just magically make these decisions look easy.  At the cabin, the siding is finished and we're hoping the cabinets go in tomorrow. 

It is starting to look like a real house.

June 1st also means we have one month left in the Cox Farm rental before we have to move to the (teeny, tiny) Hwy 67 house.  We are hoping we'll only be there for 2-3 months before our house is finished. Please keep your fingers crossed for good weather, fast progress and my sanity!

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