Wednesday, June 29, 2016

TGIF? Not this past one...

As we mentioned in our last post, we had some "chaos" last Friday.  I don't know how many pictures this post will have - quite possibly none - as most of what happened either wasn't documented or, let's face it, you wouldn't want to see it.

It all started out as a fairly normal day.  Neta had gotten home from a business trip the night before. She and I were going to work a half day and then we were going to move Terrell into the cabin. There were still some minor things to finish at the cabin, but we needed to go ahead and move Terrell in as we're moving to another (smaller) rental house soon.  We were expecting the painters to come and do some touch ups, the plumber to install the toilet, possibly the mason to put in some steps and the cabinet guy to bring a replacement cabinet.

I turn on my phone around 8:30am and there are two messages from Tracy, the contractor, saying that the spare key is not at the cabin and no one can get in.  The painters who were stopping by from an overnight job had already left and the plumber had left as well.  I told him I was on my way if he could get the plumber back.  I can live without perfect paint, but if there is no toilet in the cabin, that would be problematic.

Tracy managed to get the plumber to return.  He and his helper installed the toilet and to help me out also installed the washer/dryer combo as well.  All was right in the world.  I left the cabin happy and returned home to get to work.  Whew!  Dodged a bullet!

In the meantime, Emily had gone to a doctor's appointment to have an ultrasound on her gallbladder. You may recall that Robert just had his removed a few weeks ago, and Emily started having trouble a few days later.  Neta had hers removed around the same age, and others in her family have a history of gallbladder trouble as well.

Emily had just arrived home when her doctor called her and told her to meet the surgeon at the emergency room, because her gallbladder needed to come out immediately.  Neta had to wrap up a couple of quick things before they left and while she was doing that...

Here comes Terrell pulling up at the house.  I stepped out to meet him and he says, "We have a problem!  There's water everywhere in the cabin!"  I asked him where it was coming from, but he said he couldn't tell.

Really?  Was this some sort of joke?  Were Neta and I on some hidden camera show?  Was someone going to jump out of the bushes and join Emily and Terrell in yelling surprise and hand us a check for a brand new house?  We didn't wait to find out.

I sent Terrell to go back and make sure the cabin was unlocked while I called Tracy to get the plumber back.  Neta rushed off to take Emily to the hospital.  I let my office know that I was leaving and jumped in my car to head to the cabin.

Turns out the cabin wasn't as bad as it seemed.  The washing machine drain hose had come loose.  We mopped up while the plumber ensured it was tightly fitting in the drain.  I did some clean up around the cabin, but there was still a lot of organization that Neta wanted to handle so I had to break the news to Terrell that the move wasn't happening that day.  He understood, considering what had happened to Emily.  Which, by the way...what had happened to Emily?

After a long and protracted wait caused by the ER staff not notifying the surgeon that she had arrived, she was finally seen and proceeded into surgery.  In fact, she had to call her doctor, who was not happy, and she called the hospital herself.  It must have been quite the phone call, as Emily was in surgery prep within minutes afterward.  The surgery was a success, but more involved than the norm, and Emily was kept in the hospital for a few days afterward.

After all that, we were able to get Terrell moved into the cabin on Saturday.  Terrell and I moved the furniture and boxes in the morning, and Neta spent a few hours unpacking that afternoon.  As of Tuesday, the painters had finished the touch ups, the masons had installed the brick steps, and the replacement cabinet was in place.

There are no after pictures yet - the move in process is messy and not something we want documented for the ages - but they'll be forthcoming soon!  In the meantime, here is a totally unrelated picture as a reward for enduring the cliffhanger post...

We spotted these 4 mama turkeys and their 30 chicks (approximately) beside the road recently.  

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