Monday, August 15, 2016

Critters Welcome

I said the other day that we haven't had as many critter sightings lately, and that's true.  We used to see a good bit of wildlife at the Cox Farm house (deer, rabbits, possum, fox squirrels, owls, and a coyote).  At the farm we've seen foxes, turtles, herons, osprey, armadillos, and more. Our sightings have slowed way down, probably because of the heat, but we have gotten some pictures with the wild life camera.

I still have it positioned on the popular causeway to the island.  One nice thing about the goose departure is we no longer get 600+ pictures of them in a week's time.  We had plenty of pics of the fox coming and going though.
Our resident fox suffers from a severe case of blurriness.  
Only one shot of this racoon, so he may have just been visiting.
Trash panda

The armadillos are hard to spot in the night pictures, but the Google helpfully made an animated picture to make it easier to see.

I'd say building your nest in a roll of barbed wire is pretty ingenious, if I didn't know wrens will build a nest pretty much anywhere.  

Not a very good picture, but I am pretty sure that's an osprey we've seen several times "fishing" in the pond.  

By far our most frequent visitor is this guy:

Either he hunts frogs at the edge of the pond or he is a secret skinny-dipper.

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