Monday, October 17, 2016

Progress, and lack thereof (part 1)

We did have some exciting progress before the storm hit: the tile is done and (most of) the cabinets are in, and the stairs are done (mostly).  Nothing has happened since the storm, understandably, but hopefully this week we'll have some forward momentum.

We had our cabinet guy build shelves around the fireplace, kitchen and laundry room cabinets, and cabinets for 2 bathrooms.  We're using an old dresser as a vanity in the guest bath - more on that in a later post.  Most of the cabinetry has been installed now, except for part of laundry room, and the kitchen island won't get installed until after the floors are done.  We're really thrilled with how all of the cabinetry has turned out.

The staircase isn't quite finished yet but all of the components are in place and it has already turned out better than I imagined. Everything seems to get done a bit at a time, but it will all come together eventually!

Just missing the mantel.  

Still have some staining and painting to do (and some focusing, obviously).
The kitchen island is in the background, temporarily residing in the dining room.

Getting the lighting right is tricky when there aren't any lights!

Our cabinet maker suggested the corner shelves and I couldn't really envision how they'd turn out,
but I'm really happy with the way they did.  He does good work!
The mudroom/laundry.  There will be a counter on the right, with a shelf above.
Part of the shelving broke during transport so they are rebuilding it.

Bathroom cabinetry and tile work coming soon!

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