Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Progress, and lack thereof (part 2)

Here are the rest of the progress pics, mostly in the bathrooms.  I'm happy to report that the electricians are on site today, installing light fixtures.  There isn't any electricity for those lights yet, but we think Georgia Power might pay us a visit later this week.  There isn't a whole lot more that can be done until power is in place because the next big items is installing floors, and we need AC for that.  Wood floors can swell and contract from temperature and humidity changes, which is not good when you are trying to get them installed.  Once the AC is running they'll bring in flooring and let it acclimate for a few days before putting it in place.  After flooring we'll be ready for appliances and plumbing fixtures.  In the meantime, I've been picking out handles for these lovely cabinets (just when I thought I was done with decisions!)

Master bath cabinets 
Master bath shower.  

Guest bath shower.  
Upstairs bath 
Upstairs shower.
The accent stripe isn't exactly what we had in mind but I'm happy with how it turned out.
Dormer window seat in Emily's room. 

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